am using collectd to monitor the system metric .... For network metric I need to know what will be the incoming and the outgoing traffic per minute ...But Rx(total number of packets transmitted) and Tx(total number of packets received) packets is giving the data from since the machine is last rebooted...
So i need to query the influxdb to get the difference between current value and the previous value. How to query to get the difference.....
Am using the query like
select difference(last("value")) from interface_rx WHERE "type" = 'if_octets' > now() - 1h group by time(10s)
Please help me ..Am not getting the exact output like i need
Am getting the following error when i used the query
Select difference(last("value")) from interface_rx WHERE "type" = 'if_octets' and time > now() - 1h group by time(1m)
. Indifference(last("value"))
part should be the name of the actual field that you need. And it must be a field, not a tag. – Nikolay Manolov