I have a IEnumerator function that download a image from a server, on script not attached to prefabs, it works, but on script attached to prefabs, it doesnt work.
By doesnt work i want to say that the www.SendWebRequest() never returns, i've waited for almost 10 minutes and its doesnt returns, the image has about 200kb, so the problem isn't the image size.
I already checked if the url is correct, tried to change the image, tried to re-write the function but nothing works, this is my function:
public void Set(string NomeIcone, string NomeAnalise, string idzinho, string descricaozinha, string NomeCapa)
Name.text = NomeAnalise;
ID = idzinho;
Descricao = descricaozinha;
Capa = NomeCapa;
public IEnumerator LoadLogo(string nomeArquivo)
string url = PathIcone + nomeArquivo;
using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url))
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if (www.error == null)
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 1);
tex = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www);
Icon.texture = tex;
RawImage Foto = Icon.GetComponentInChildren<RawImage>();
float altura = 100 * Foto.rectTransform.rect.height / Foto.rectTransform.rect.width;
Foto.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(100, altura);
My prefab setup in the inspector
As you can see, my "IconeSimbolo" is a RawImage in the prefab which this script is attached
I expect to my "IconeSimbolo" texture change to the image on the server, but it never changes.
I have this same code on another script with the same setup on the inspector, on this another prefab everything works fine, but in this one it doesnt
coroutine. – Ruzihmelse { Debug.Log(www.error); }
after theif (www.error == null) {...}
do you see that line printed? From what you've told us it seems like there is no way to determine if it never returns or if there is simply an error. It's possible that it is using an unexpectedPathIcone + nomeArquivo
and you're getting a 404 error or something. – Ruzihm