I have a stack in cloudformation (ECS cluster, App LB, Autoscaling Group, launch templates, etc etc.) It all works fine and we have been using this in production and pre production environments for a while.
A problem recently arose while trying to push a stack update. I made some changes to UserData in the AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate. If i launch a new stack from this template it works great.
If i make a change set and apply a stack update cloudformation creates a NEW launch template version -however- the autoscaling group still references the OLD version.
Looking at the AWS docs for AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup LaunchTemplateSpecification
I see: "AWS CloudFormation does not support specifying $Latest, or $Default for the template version number."
Anyone wrangled w/ stack updates creating new versions of resources that need to be referenced elsewhere? I feel like i am missing something obvious.