Does anyone tried to create empty ag-grid table and then e.g add values when double-clicked on it?
I want to define number of columns and rows in editor and when saving it create empty ag grid. Is that possible?
Does anyone tried to create empty ag-grid table and then e.g add values when double-clicked on it?
I want to define number of columns and rows in editor and when saving it create empty ag grid. Is that possible?
Initialize your ag-grid as usual, then pass in your data with empty values, e.g.
this.gridOptions.rowData = [
{id: '', value: ''},
{id: '', value: ''},
{id: '', value: ''},
{id: '', value: ''},
{id: '', value: ''}
All fields will be empty, then you can let the user edit the fields.
Take a look at this StackBlitz example.