I am in the process of migrating to php7 & msqli. I have a lot of old php files that will need prepared statements using bind_result & fetch. Thus, before I modify all these files I want to be sure I am coding prepared statements properly using bind_result & fetch, such that they are reasonably safe from sql injection. The code in my example works for me (binds & fetches properly), but I just want to be sure I coded them safely. I am still learning to code prepared statements for other implementations as well.
I also tried get_result instead of bind_result, but for my purposes (db interactions) I believe bind_result will suffice.
Here is the example of a php file that I will be using as the template for all my other php files that will need to be modified with prepared statements using bind_result & fetch:
//mysqli object oriented - bind_result prepared statement
//connect to database
require 'con_db.php';
//prepare, bind_result and fetch
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT image, caption FROM tblimages
WHERE tblimages.catID = 6 ORDER by imageID");
$stmt->bind_result($image, $caption);
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
echo "{$image} <br> {$caption} <br> <br>";
//close connection
And here is the php file that makes the db connection via "require", i.e. con_db.php:
//mysqli object oriented connect to db
//MySQL errors get transferred into PHP exceptions in error log
//establish connection, any connection errors go to php.errors
$con = new mysqli('localhost','uid','pw',
I'm hoping I coded the prepared statements in a reasonably secure fashion to prevent sql injection. But any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
UPDATE: I decided to show (below) an example of the current code I was going to modify with prepared statements (with the bind_result, fetch example above). So below is a representation of the majority of php/mysqli code that currently exists that lives in many php files that would need to be modified. It is the existing mysql SELECT statements that vary the most. However, based on the feedback I have received I believe since there are no variables being passed there is no reason to use prepared statements with binding. However, I DO have some forms that DO pass variables (GET & POST), and I will modify those php files using prepared statements (bind_param, bind_result & fetch). I hope that made sense :-) I just thought it would be more useful to show an example of the code I originally was planning to modify since I may not need to modify much of it based on feedback I have received here, plus what I have read since my original post (on my concern re: sql injection). But please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.
//mysqli object oriented - mysqli_query & mysqli_fetch_array
//connect to database
require 'con_db.php';
//query and fetch
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT image, caption FROM
tblimages WHERE tblimages.catid = 1");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['image'];
echo "<br />";
echo $row['caption'];
echo "<br />";
. Prepared statement makes sense if you have variable date to be passed to DB. – Dharman