
I want to setup elastic stack v7.2.0 for centralized logging, monitoring and alerting. This elastic stack setup will be part of a commercial organisation's product and all this will be sold to different customers.

I am confused whether I can use the Basic Free docker Image or I have the only option to go ahead only with the -OSS docker images? Refer link

I referred few links but I did not find answers to my question. 1. https://www.elastic.co/blog/security-for-elasticsearch-is-now-free 2. https://www.elastic.co/blog/doubling-down-on-open 3. https://www.elastic.co/products/x-pack/open 4. is Security free in Elastic search Stack Features? 5. Running Elastic without the Trial License

From the above links I know that some of the features are indefinitely free under the Elastic License https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/0d8aa7527e242fbda9d84867ab8bc955758eebce/licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt

But my question is can I use the Elastic license for building commercial products?


1 Answers


As stated in the license file, please contact [email protected] to discuss this — some limitations will apply to your use case.