I'm trying to read csv file into dataframe from AWS S3 using Spark streaming however the data is not getting stored in the desired columns instead they enter in just 1 column and others are null. Need a way how I can take the csv file as input in format.
I have tried adding the schema. Removing the schema and trying to infer schema states it is mandatory to specify the schema.
var schema = StructType(
StructField("date", StringType, true) ::
StructField("close",StringType, true) ::
StructField("volume", StringType, true) ::
StructField("open", StringType, true) ::
StructField("high",StringType,true) ::
StructField("low", StringType,true) :: Nil)
val ds = spark
.option("sep", ";")
val df = ds.select("*")
.trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("5 seconds"))
I was expected a dataframe with data in each column however it shows as something as below:
Batch: 0
19/07/02 18:53:46 INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 20.170544 ms
| date|close|volume|open|high| low|
|0,2019/06/28,1080...| null| null|null|null|null|
|1,2019/06/27,1076...| null| null|null|null|null|
|2,2019/06/26,1079...| null| null|null|null|null|
|3,2019/06/25,1086...| null| null|null|null|null|
|4,2019/06/24,1115...| null| null|null|null|null|
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you