
I want to add an column in my DAX query output which will give the cumulative row number starting from 1? I want to generate this dynamically for any DAX query that I run. How can I achieve this without much performance impact?

I have a dataset like this:

enter image description here

I have created a measure for ContractValue as SUM([Value]). The expected output is to get the dynamic row number generated for the aggregated results as well. For example:

enter image description here

Hi, thanks for the link. But here instead of adding the Index column at the table level, Can we do something similar at runtime for the DAX output?Sananda Dutta
What defines the order of the rows in your ouput?RADO
The Contract Value measure.Sananda Dutta
Unless you are talking about Ranking on a specific known set of field, something similar with RANKX can be achieved. You won't have a true row_number, you can have repetition ou missing values. DENSE vs SKIP options. RANK = RANKX(ALL('mytable'[Confidential]),SUM('mytable'[Value]),,DESC,DENSE) If you want this to be generic for the whole model... There isn't a straight foward way to achieve this.mxix

1 Answers


You can first create your summary table:

ContractSummary =
    "Contract Value"; SUMX ( CURRENTGROUP (); Contract[Value] );
    "RowCount"; COUNTX ( CURRENTGROUP (); Contract[Value] )

Next you can add a column to your table:

Expected Result =
    COUNT ( ContractSummary[Contract Value] );
    FILTER (
        ContractSummary[Contract Value] >= EARLIER ( ContractSummary[Contract Value] )