QuickCheck (which basicaly generates test inputs for you) is probably the best way to test pure function. And if a function in question has an analog from the standard library you can just test your function using the standard one as a model:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.All
myLast :: [a] -> a
myLast [x] = x
myLast (_:xs) = myLast xs
-- here we specify that 'myLast' should return exactly the same result
-- as 'last' for any given 'xs'
prop_myLast xs = myLast xs == last xs
return [] -- need this for GHC 7.8
-- quickCheckAll generates test cases for all 'prop_*' properties
main = $(quickCheckAll)
If you run it you'll get:
=== prop_myLast on tmp3.hs:12 ===
*** Failed! Exception: 'tmp3.hs:(7,1)-(8,25): Non-exhaustive patterns in function myLast' (after 1 test):
because your myLast
doesn't handle []
case (it should but should probably throw an error like 'last').
But here we can simply adjust our test but specifying that only non-empty strings should be used (using ==>
prop_myLast xs = length xs > 0 ==> myLast xs == last xs
Which makes all 100 auto-generated test cases to pass for myLast
=== prop_myLast on tmp3.hs:11 ===
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
PS Another way to specify myLast
behavior may be:
prop_myLast2 x xs = myLast (xs++[x]) == x
Or better:
prop_myLast3 x xs = x `notElem` xs ==> myLast (xs++[x]) == x