
I am currently facing a problem with the google cloud storage,
I was able to download objects uploaded on the google cloud storage, but later part of the day, I started getting the error as "This site cannot be reached"

I created a bucket programmatically in c#, the code is as follows:

public void CreateBucket(string bucketName, string projectid)
            var storage = StorageClient.Create();
            storage.CreateBucket(projectid, bucketName);

So the bucket was created with the settings as follows:
Default Storage Class: multi regional
Location: us (multiple regions in United States)
Public access: Per object
Lifecycle: None
Access control model: Bucket policy & ACLs

I was able to download the objects in the bucket by clicking on the name of the object and it would download. But now when I try clicking on the name of the file, I get a message as follows:
This site can’t be reached The webpage at https://storage.cloud.google.com//?_ga=XXXXXXXB might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
I am using google chrome to access google cloud storage website

I also tried right click on the file name and Save As, but both gives the same browser error message.

Bucket List
Bucket is created using the code mentioned above
File List in the Bucket
Uploaded the test.txt file by drag drop and the file is displayed in the list
Click on the file to download and the error appears

Please note the bucket name and project id are marked in black in the image.

It may have been deleted or moved somewhere else via gsutil or client library/API. If you click the 'Refresh bucket' in the UI, can you still see the file?Christopher
In order to get more information, could you please share a screenshot of the error and the process flow that you are following to perform your actions?Andie Vanille
@Christopher: Yes the files are present even after refreshing the bucket, in fact I deleted the file and upload a new text file, just incase to check its not because of cacheJPais
@AndieVega: I have uploaded the images to explain the workflow and issueJPais
@JPais, in such case, you should be filing an issue here --> cloud.google.com/support/docs/issue-trackersChristopher

1 Answers


Make public access for text.txt. On your screenshot, it wasn't public.

enter image description here