I understand why this is happening but I need a work-around. I looked into some other questions on StackOverflow but none of them was helpful. I do not want disable input validation throughout the whole website because that is definitely dangerous. I have only one (at least for now) place where I need to disable input validation.
I decorated the Action Method with [ValidateInput(false)] attribute, and I'm encoding the strings with Html.Encode. But still, I get the same error. Here's my view:
<div id="sharwe-categories">
<ul class="menu menu-vertical menu-accordion">
@foreach(var topLevel in Model)
var topLevelName = Html.Encode(topLevel.Name);
<li class="topLevel">
@Html.ActionLink(topLevel.Name, "Index", "Item", new { category = topLevelName }, new {@class = "main"} )
<a href="#" class="drop-down"></a>
@foreach (var childCategory in topLevel.Children)
var childcategoryName = Html.Encode(childCategory.Name);
<li>@Html.ActionLink(childCategory.Name, "Index", "Item", new RouteValueDictionary { { "category", topLevelName }, { "subcategory", childcategoryName } }, null)</li>
As you can see, there's no user input. But some of the category names have some "dangerous" characters in them... Any solutions?