
I have a Laravel 5.7 site. It renders all the pages and routes fine but at the bottom shows the following error:

500 Whoops, something went wrong on our servers.

All views are closed by a shared footer.blade.php file that is properly closed with html. The server is a LAMP server with Ubuntu 18.04 and Apache2, Php 7.2

When I looked into the HTML generated by the browser, it seems like as if Laravel is inserting a 500 page at the bottom of my code.

While I close my html with /body and /html tags it automatically inserts doctype html html lang="en" head title Error title tags along with remainder of the 500 page.

enter image description here

You can get this error for many reasons, please give more information.Udhav Sarvaiya
@UdhavSarvaiya - the image above is the bottom of every view. All the views render fine. This error is rather strange. If you look carefully, the closure of header is in grey.techwestcoastsfosea

1 Answers


It was a file permission issue.

So By Giving the 0777 Access to Storage Directory Fixed it

Following commands resolved the issue.

sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache

sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache