You do not need a OleContainer to run the presentation inside a container in your application. Put a panel container to run the presentation in your form and try this routine:
procedure TForm2.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
ppShowTypeSpeaker = 1;
ppShowTypeInWindow = 1000;
SHOW_FILE = 'C:\Users\jcastillo\Documents\test.pps';
oPPTApp: OleVariant;
oPPTPres: OleVariant;
screenClasshWnd: HWND;
pWidth, pHeight: Integer;
function PixelsToPoints(Val: Integer; Vert: Boolean): Integer;
if Vert then
Result := Trunc(Val * 0.75)
Result := Trunc(Val * 0.75);
oPPTApp := CreateOleObject('PowerPoint.Application');
oPPTPres := oPPTApp.Presentations.Open(SHOW_FILE, True, True, False);
pWidth := PixelsToPoints(Panel1.Width, False);
pHeight := PixelsToPoints(Panel1.Height, True);
oPPTPres.SlideShowSettings.ShowType := ppShowTypeSpeaker;
oPPTPres.SlideShowSettings.Run.Width := pWidth;
oPPTPres.SlideShowSettings.Run.Height := pHeight;
screenClasshWnd := FindWindow('screenClass', nil);
Windows.SetParent(screenClasshWnd, Panel1.Handle);
I do not have documentation at hand, but my thought is Run.Width and Run.Height must be provided in points, not in pixels. My poor man solution to convert pixels to points is here, and it works for me in my tests here... to find the correct way to convert in your environment is up to you.
Is supposed you can get the Handle of the presentation window from the oPPTPres.SlideShowSettings.Run.HWND
property, but that does not work here for me, hence the FindWindow call.