Hello I am developing and SDK, and for test I am importing in an other project
For do this I do click into file -> new -> import module
After this I update the app.gradle with
implementation project(':sdk')
The when I sync the project I get the following errors:
ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :sdk. Show Details Affected Modules: app
ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debugAndroidTest/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :sdk. Show Details Affected Modules: app
ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debugUnitTest/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :sdk. Show Details Affected Modules: app
Then for solve this I change the gradle line for:
implementation project(':sdk', configuration: 'default')
After this the errors doesn't appear but I can not import anything of the sdk.
Without this when I clean the proyect I get the following:
Cannot choose between the following variants of project :sdk:
- devDebugApiElements
- prodDebugApiElements All of them match the consumer attributes:
- Variant 'devDebugApiElements':
- Required com.android.build.api.attributes.BuildTypeAttr 'debug' and found compatible value 'debug'.
- Found com.android.build.api.attributes.VariantAttr 'devDebug' but wasn't required.
- Required com.android.build.gradle.internal.dependency.AndroidTypeAttr 'Aar' and found compatible value 'Aar'.
- Required org.gradle.usage 'java-api' and found compatible value 'java-api'.
- Found version 'dev' but wasn't required.
- Variant 'prodDebugApiElements':
- Required com.android.build.api.attributes.BuildTypeAttr 'debug' and found compatible value 'debug'.
- Found com.android.build.api.attributes.VariantAttr 'prodDebug' but wasn't required.
- Required com.android.build.gradle.internal.dependency.AndroidTypeAttr 'Aar' and found compatible value 'Aar'.
- Required org.gradle.usage 'java-api' and found compatible value 'java-api'.
- Found version 'prod' but wasn't required.
Any idea about how can fix this problem?