While uploading new APK to GooglePlay of a very simple APP which using only webview using Visual Studio 2019 Xamarin.Forms i am getting the following error on Google Play console:
"We’ve detected that your app is using an old version of the Google Play Developer API. From December 1 2019, versions 1 and 2 of this API will no longer be available. Update to version 3 before this date. Learn more"
Nuget Packages:
Id Versions ProjectName
-- -------- -----------
Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics {2.1.1} xamarin
Xamarin.Essentials {1.1.0} xamarin
Microsoft.AppCenter.Push {2.1.1} xamarin
NETStandard.Library {2.0.3} xamarin
Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes {2.1.1} xamarin
Xamarin.Forms {} xamarin
Microsoft.AppCenter {2.1.1} xamarin
Microsoft.AppCenter {2.1.1} fms_xamarin.Android
Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics {2.1.1} fms_xamarin.Android
Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes {2.1.1} fms_xamarin.Android
Microsoft.AppCenter.Push {2.1.1} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Forms {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.Design {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCo... {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.Media... {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.Utils {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android.Support.CustomTabs {} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Essentials {1.1.0} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base {60.1142.1} fms_xamarin.Android
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement {60.1142.1} fms_xamarin.Android
How can i update the SDK as google asking for?