I am trying to get a handle on an element within my DataTemplate in code. I am creating a series of DataGridTemplateColumns in code which I then assign to a grid. I want to be able to retrieve the DataTemplate from the xaml, find my element and bind to that particular element.
Here is a short sample code what I am trying to achieve:
<DataTemplate x:Key="dataTemplate">
<Grid TextBlock.Foreground="LightGreen" Background="Yellow">
<TextBlock x:Name="txt" />
DataGridTemplateColumn col = new DataGridTemplateColumn();
col.Header = "Last Name";
Binding b = new Binding("LastName");
DataTemplate dtemplate = (DataTemplate)FindResource("dataTemplate");
TextBlock textBlock = dtemplate.FindName("txt", this);
textBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, b);
col.CellTemplate = dtemplate;
Maybe to explain this further: I am trying to create a set of DataGridTemplateColumns on the fly and apply that to a Datagrid. Since I don't know the property to bind to until the time a source gets presented to me I cannot create a DataTemplate that nested within itself has this binding already build in. Like:
<TextBlock Text={Binding=LastName} ... >
So I am forced to create a set of DataGridTemplateColumn in runtime, look for DataTemplate in my resources and THEN try to bind that column to a property (like LastName) on my datasource.