
I'm trying to set up CodePipeline with an ECS blue/green deployment where the deployment is in a different AWS account.

I've been using the two guides for ECS Blue/Green and CodePipeline cross-account deployments. CodePipeline lives in Account A along with its KMS Key, S3 artifact bucket and ECR repository. The ECS cluster lives in Account B with the CodeDeploy setup.

The ECR, KMS key and S3 buckets have cross-account permissions (these give a different error when wrong). The cluster starts up and runs, and CodeDeploy works correctly when invoked inside Account B.

A role in Account B has been created for CodePipeline to assume and it has granted Account A permission to assume the role. This role currently has the AWSCodeDeployRoleForECS policy (I intend to reduce this once it works)

CodePipeline fails with an unhelpful message of

   "code": "PermissionError",
   "message": "The provided role does not have sufficient permissions to access CodeDeploy"

The codepipeline role does have permission to access codedeploy as it's in the canned AWS policy. I can only assume there's some missing permission but I cannot find out what from this message.

2 Answers


I've discovered the answer after tracing through CloudTrail. There were two permissions missing from the CodePipeline deployment role which I can't find documented, they are ecs:RegisterTaskDefinition and iam:PassRole for the ECS Container role. CodeDeploy assumes a different role during deployment that also needs these permissions, but it looks like CodePipeline needs them to start the deployment.

The documentation I was working off had an example for CodeDeploy cross-account, but this was CodeDeploy to EC2 rather than to ECS.

My final permissions for the role assumed in Account B by CodePipeline looks like:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*",
        "Effect": "Allow"
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::deployment_intermediate_bucket/*",
        "Effect": "Allow"
        "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket"],
        "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::deployment_intermediate_bucket",
        "Effect": "Allow"
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Action": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Resource": "ecs_container_role_arn"

I'm going to reduce this down to the minimum required.


To maybe help here, having had the same issue/error:

Using Cloud-formation, I have a pipeline in account a, with an ecs bluegreen action in account b (TestingAccount):

        - Name: !Sub BlueGreenDeploy
            - Name: BlueGreenDeploy
              # - Name: PrepareCodeDeployOutput
              - Name: !Ref SourceArtifactName
              Region: !Ref DeployRegion1
                Category: Deploy
                Owner: AWS
                Version: '1'
                Provider: CodeDeployToECS
              RoleArn: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${TestingAccountId}:role/######/CrossAccountsDeploymentRole

                AppSpecTemplateArtifact: !Ref SourceArtifactName
                AppSpecTemplatePath: appspec.json

                ApplicationName: ronantest1
                DeploymentGroupName: ronantest1
                TaskDefinitionTemplateArtifact: !Ref SourceArtifactName
                TaskDefinitionTemplatePath: taskdef.json

                Image1ArtifactName: !Ref SourceArtifactName
                Image1ContainerName: "IMAGE1_NAME"
              RunOrder: 4

In the task definition that I was trying to deploy, I had the following roles listed:


The role that the pipeline assumed in the target account, i.e:


It needed to be able to pass both those roles listed in the Task definition.

Hope that makes sense and helps. AWS does not make this stuff easy from their documentation.