I am trying to figure out how to count the hours worked for each employee on each day but the numbers returned are way off. The part I need is taken from one table that is show in this picture. Table
It shows one employee's activity for a single day (there are many more records, I just chose to show one day). Most employees will take a lunch and that is why they have 2 punch ins and 2 punch outs.
Another table is joined with it but isn't important for now.
The InOut column shows whether they were punching in or out. In = 1 and Out = 0.
I have tried the code below. The datediff just doesn't seem to return the right number.
select sr_name,
cast(punchintime as date) as workdate,
ROUND(sum(cast(datediff(minute,punchintime, punchouttime) as real)/60),2) as hoursworked
select sr_name,
punchintime = punchdatetime,
punchouttime = ISNULL((select top 1 pc2.punchdatetime
from punchclock pc2 where pc2.punchdatetime > pc.punchdatetime and pc.servrepid = pc2.servrepid and pc2.inout = 0 order by pc2.punchdatetime), getdate())
from punchclock pc
join servicereps sr on pc.servrepid = sr.servrepid
where cast(pc.punchdatetime as date) >= '2019-01-01'
group by sr_name, punchdatetime, pc.ServRepID
) x
group by sr_name, cast(punchintime as date), cast(punchouttime - punchintime as time)
The results should be around 8 hours instead of the 20-30 hours this query returns.