
I am trying to export the content of csv files stored in Azure Blob Storage to Excel tables in an automated way. I did some research and found in few blog articles that Azure Logic App could be used for the conversion. I tried to implement something similar but couldn't succeed.

Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.


First question, do you really need to 'convert'? Excel handles CSV data quite well already.Johns-305
I second @Johns-305 comment. A better way to ask Johns' question again would be: What are you trying to do that using Excel with the existing CSVs would not allow?gravity
@Johns-305 Yes, i need to have Excel output.CSK
@gravity The output should be in Excel format and the process of conversion should be automated.CSK
Ok, then the question becomes, exactly which Excel format? .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .csv (which Excel supports natively )Johns-305

1 Answers


If you really want to go this route I built this the other day, not that I think this is the best way to handle this but it is a way. You can build further upon this example, change the input to storage blob and the output to excel. I am just pasting the extra step where I set the output to Excel add a row into a table. Keep in mind you will need to purge the header and the last row So you need to at least fix that part.

Excel table

Find the entire flow in the other question I linked to earlier. The difference is just that I now look in a storage blob, compose the output and in the end, I write to the Excel table Flow