I want to create and if/and statement in my code to offer 3 different options for a link.
I've tried the if/else code and it works. Having two if statements (one with the 'AND') will not work because the error states there should be a closing statement after the first 'if'. I've tried using 'elseif' and 'else if' in the second statement, as well, with no luck. Is there a way to do this that I'm not finding?
<li class="{% if page.body_class == 'language' %}active{% endif %} hidden-md hidden-lg">
{% if page.alternate_mx == null %}
<a href="/mx/" title="En Español">Español</a>
{% if page.alternate_mx == null and page.translate_mx %}
<a href="/mx/{{page.translate_mx}}" title="En Español">Español</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ site.url }}{{site.baseurl}}{{page.alternate_mx}}" title="En Español">Español</a>
{% endif %}
- If there is no page.alternate_mx then the first link should appear.
- BUT If there is no page.alternate_mx AND there is a page.translate_mx use the second link.
- If there is a page.alternate_mx use the third link.
I am getting this error: "Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 144): 'if' tag was never closed in /usr/src/app/_includes/header/header-en.html, included in /_layouts/default.html web_1 | Error: Liquid syntax error (line 144): 'if' tag was never closed web_1 | ...error: web_1 | Error: Run jekyll build --trace for more information."