I have inherited a Azure project and is struggling with accessing some of the information in it. There are multiple keyvault which I need to get into, but I dont have access, and I dont understand why as I am the project owner. I am signed in as the user with the OK profile picture.
If I go to Keys or secrets I get the following error: The operation "List" is not enabled in this key vault's access policy.
Network access is set to "All networks"
So I go to access policies to give myself access. There I click the "Add new" Button. This brings me to the screen where I can set up permissions and add a principal. When I search for my user there I can not find it. Searching for users which already are in the access control list also returns nothing.
The "searching..." status never disappears, but I do get a red line around the email after a while.
How do I get access to a keyvault using the portal?
So I go to access control to give myself access.
, I think you go to theAccess policies
to give yourself access? And you cannot find yourself there? – Joy Wang-MSFTthis resource
scope, then sign in with another user, try it again? – Nancy Xiong