I generated a policy with php artisan make:policy StudentPolicy --model=Student. In this policy you have a view and viewAny method. When i test it normally viewAny applies on index() and view on show(), but only the view-policy works, the viewAny has no effect. We still can access the page localhost/student
If we set the return value in viewAny to false or true. It has no effect. The output from php artisan route:list is as show below.
| | POST | student | student.store | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@store | web,can:create,App\Models\Student
| | GET|HEAD | student | student.index | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@index | web
| | GET|HEAD | student/create | student.create | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@create | web,can:create,App\Models\Student
| | GET|HEAD | student/{student} | student.show | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@show | web,can:view,student
| | PUT|PATCH | student/{student} | student.update | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@update | web,can:update,student
| | DELETE | student/{student} | student.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@destroy | web,can:delete,student
| | GET|HEAD | student/{student}/edit | student.edit | App\Http\Controllers\StudentController@edit | web,can:update,student
protected $policies = [
// 'App\Model' => 'App\Policies\ModelPolicy',
Student::class => StudentPolicy::class,
public function viewAny(User $user)
return in_array('view.student.all', $user->rights()->pluck('description')->toArray());
* Determine whether the user can view the student.
* @param \App\Models\User $user
* @param \App\Models\Student $student
* @return mixed
public function view(User $user, Student $student)
return in_array('view.student.all', $user->rights()->pluck('description')->toArray());
class StudentController extends Controller
public function __construct()
If a user is not authorized to viewAny, it may not access localhost/student, it needs to show an unauthorized page.