I am using following code to display properties from original email in conversation.
void DemoConversation()
object selectedItem =
// For this example, you will work only with
//MailItem. Other item types such as
//MeetingItem and PostItem can participate
//in Conversation.
if (selectedItem is Outlook.MailItem)
// Cast selectedItem to MailItem.
Outlook.MailItem mailItem =
selectedItem as Outlook.MailItem; ;
// Determine store of mailItem.
Outlook.Folder folder = mailItem.Parent
as Outlook.Folder;
Outlook.Store store = folder.Store;
if (store.IsConversationEnabled == true)
// Obtain a Conversation object.
Outlook.Conversation conv =
// Check for null Conversation.
if (conv != null)
// Obtain Table that contains rows
// for each item in Conversation.
Outlook.Table table = conv.GetTable();
Debug.WriteLine("Conversation Items Count: " +
Debug.WriteLine("Conversation Items from Table:");
while (!table.EndOfTable)
Outlook.Row nextRow = table.GetNextRow();
+ " Modified: "
+ nextRow["LastModificationTime"]);
Debug.WriteLine("Conversation Items from Root:");
// Obtain root items and enumerate Conversation.
Outlook.SimpleItems simpleItems
= conv.GetRootItems();
foreach (object item in simpleItems)
// In this example, enumerate only MailItem type.
// Other types such as PostItem or MeetingItem
// can appear in Conversation.
if (item is Outlook.MailItem)
Outlook.MailItem mail = item
as Outlook.MailItem;
Outlook.Folder inFolder =
mail.Parent as Outlook.Folder;
string msg = mail.Subject
+ " in folder " + inFolder.Name;
// Call EnumerateConversation
// to access child nodes of root items.
EnumerateConversation(item, conv);
void EnumerateConversation(object item,
Outlook.Conversation conversation)
Outlook.SimpleItems items =
if (items.Count > 0)
foreach (object myItem in items)
// In this example, enumerate only MailItem type.
// Other types such as PostItem or MeetingItem
// can appear in Conversation.
if (myItem is Outlook.MailItem)
Outlook.MailItem mailItem =
myItem as Outlook.MailItem;
Outlook.Folder inFolder =
mailItem.Parent as Outlook.Folder;
string msg = mailItem.Subject
+ " in folder " + inFolder.Name;
// Continue recursion.
EnumerateConversation(myItem, conversation);
It works fine on my personal inbox and shared mailbox added as additional inbox.
But all other shared mailboxes which I have full access but have auto-mapped in my Outlook client doesn't work.
Does anyone know if mailItem.GetConversation()
supposed to work with shared mailboxes which are not added as additional account but are auto-mapped?
Because on these shared mailboxes, I get Conversation Items Count: 0
even if there are other emails in the same conversation.
Thank you.