In our organisation we use the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to implement a micro-service architecture. As we are also G-Suite users, everyone in the organisation is guaranteed to have a Google account. In consequence we would like to use those accounts to manage authentication and authorization of micro services.
We have prototyped login using the angularfire2 client to authenticate against the Google Identity Platform. We also have Google Cloud Endpoints configured to control access to relevant services.
The piece we are missing is how to get from the identity in Google to an access token we can use on our services -- the access token coming back using the Firebase API has no claims in it, and the documentation on custom claims seems to make it quite clear that these go into the identity token.
My expectation would be to have JWTs with the appropriate audience (our backend), containing a sufficient set of claims to implement role based access control within the services. Ideally the infrastructure could validate a claim already -- some of our services are small enough to require only one role, which could be enforced outside the service. Or we could annotate our endpoints (Protobuf) with the required claims.
In the GCP environment, what is the standard process of creating access tokens to be used for accessing GKE services? Is there anything that supports this?