
I'm trying to use #braintree Drop-in Payment UI in iOS. If someone disables some buttons e.g for Apple Pay, Vemmo or credit card, the space for these buttons still exists as an empty space in the action sheet. Is there any way to eliminate this space?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Additionally, when you make a choice sometimes there is a delay in the response. So the user isn't sure if the button is pressed. Is there a way to avoid pressing the button twice or dismiss the action sheet once a button is pressed?


1 Answers


Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.

Our action sheet is set to a fixed height regardless of payment methods. You can fork our iOS Drop-in repository to change the height, however, I would recommend referencing Apple's Human Interface Guidelines to ensure adapting this would meet their standards.

Testing my own iOS integration, there is not a delay on the button press. Please reach out to our support team for more specifics around the delays you are seeing.