
I am creating a new Azure DevOps custom task that will RUN ON "ServerGate". I have setup my HttpExecution for this task, and intend to use it for PRE and POST Deployment Approval Gate. When this executes for a Post Deployment Approval Gate, I would like to send the status of the job (i.e. Succeeded, Failed, etc) to my API. I thought I could just use "Agent.JobStatus" variable, but this is not resolving in the ServerGate.

Is there another variable I should use to get access to the status of the current stage (i.e. success?)?

Details on variables for Agent.JobStatus: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/variables?view=azure-devops&tabs=classic

Details on authoring server gates I have been following: https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks/blob/master/docs/authoring/servertaskauthoring.md

Example of my ServerGate:

"execution": {
    "HttpRequest": {
      "Execute": {
        "EndpointUrl": "https://my-gate.com/ready",
        "Method": "POST",
        "Body": "{\"status\":\"$(Agent.JobStatus)\", \"name\":\"$(Release.ReleaseName)\"}",
        "Expression": "eq(root['approved'], 'true')"

When this resolves in the output, the status just shows as: "$(Agent.JobStatus)".... while I am able to resolve the "name" into the actual name of the release definition in execution.

I expected to receive the proper status resolving on POST deployment gates to be "Successful", etc as indicated in the documentation noted above.


1 Answers


I created a custom task to test this issue. I can reproduce the issue, even I used AGENT_JOBSTATUS instead. This job run on server or ServerGate, it can be used in only an agentless job, a server job does not require an agent or any target computers, so the variable Agent.JobStatus could not be referenced in agentless job. You may try to use Service Endpoint to post the agent job status to external service.