
Is there any eqivalent of LIKE option in PowerApp that allow use sql special characters like "%" or "_" in Search or Filter to find any records?

I would like to write in search: "DAP%55" and find all redords like: DAPAAA55 DAPoooo55 ... and so on...

  • eqivalent to SELECT * FROM sth WHERE name like 'DAP%55'

Is that possoble?



1 Answers


There are a couple of ways that you can do that:

  • Filter(<data source name>, StartsWith(name, "DAP"), EndsWith(name, "55"))
    • This case may work for the pattern in your example, but not for things more complex such as "D_P%55"
  • Filter(<data source name>, IsMatch(name, "DAP.+55"))
    • The IsMatch function is more generic and you can use any regular expressions. This function may not be delegated to the server, so it will be an issue if you need to filter over a large data source.