
I have been using Google Cloud Client Libraries for my project and getting import errors.

Import Error: No module named cloud

I have app.yaml in my project which looks like the following:

runtime: python27

api_version: 1
threadsafe: no

- url: /.*
  script: main

Now I have configured requirements.txt which has google-cloud-datastore and google-cloud-storage



Now when I import google.cloud in my main.py file I get the import error.

from google.cloud import storage

I have deployed the project on Google App Engine

After getting errors I changed my Project to Python 3.7 and then deployed on App Engine and to my surprise, it worked perfectly.

So is it because google-api-python-client is deprecated in Python 2.7 or am I doing something wrong in here

also note the difference between how you dependencies are managed in the 2 generations of the standard environment - requirements.txt is needed and sufficient in 3.7, but not in 2.7, see stackoverflow.com/a/56111441/4495081Dan Cornilescu

1 Answers


Please note that google-cloud-storage doesn't support App Engine Standard environment for Python 2.7. Fortunately, Google Cloud provide an alternative for Python 2.7. So, to use Google cloud storage, you need to install GoogleAppEngineCloudStorageClient.

In lib's parent directory, use this command:

pip install -t lib GoogleAppEngineCloudStorageClient

Then, you can import cloudstorage like this:

import cloudstorage

Please find the official documentation: The example was elaborate with webapp2 but it works with Flask.