
I want to join 4 tables T001, KNKK, KNB1 and KNA1, to get all customers from KNB1/KNA1 and their Risk Category in KNKK.

We need a left join from KNKK but the join condition is based on 2 tables: the T001-KKBER and KNA1-KUNNR.

But I get the syntax error:

Unable to compare with "T001~KKBER". A table can be joined with a maximum of one other table using LEFT OUTER JOIN.

The select is:

SELECT knb1~kunnr kna1~name1 kna1~lifnr knb1~akont
       INTO TABLE git_kunnr_tab
       FROM kna1
       INNER JOIN knb1
       ON kna1~kunnr EQ knb1~kunnr
       INNER JOIN t001
       ON knb1~bukrs EQ t001~bukrs
       LEFT JOIN knkk
       ON knb1~kunnr EQ knkk~kunnr AND
          t001~kkber EQ knkk~kkber
       WHERE knb1~kunnr IN s_kunnr
          AND knb1~bukrs = p_bukrs.

Our system is old ECC6 7.02 so we cannot implement the new features of ABAP.

Is there any way to do it in 1 select?

Could you provide the ABAP SQL (MRE) with the syntax error please? Thanks.Sandra Rossi
Can you try to remove one of the JOIN conditions of KNKK and move it to the WHERE conditions? So, LEFT JOIN knkk ON knb1~kunnr EQ knkk~kunnr WHERE ... AND t001~kkber EQ knkk~kkber.József Szikszai
I did it but again I received the same error message.ekekakos
Than you have to break into 2 select statements, as you did...József Szikszai

2 Answers


Not sure, what error you get, but this is syntactically correct:

       INTO TABLE ...
       FROM kna1
       INNER JOIN knb1
       ON kna1~kunnr EQ knb1~kunnr
       INNER JOIN t001
       ON knb1~bukrs EQ t001~bukrs
       LEFT JOIN knkk
       ON knb1~kunnr EQ knkk~kunnr AND
          t001~kkber EQ knkk~kkber
       WHERE ...

I believe that there is no way to do a join with all these tables and select ALL customers from KNA1 even if they do not exist in KNKK.
Maybe there is a way with SubQuery but I cannot think sth now.
So I made 2 selects and fill 2 ITABs and then I loop into the one with KUNNR & CTLPC and modify the 2nd by passing the CTLPC value. So the code is now:

select knb1~kunnr kna1~name1 kna1~lifnr knb1~akont
           knb1~fdgrv knb1~frgrp 
          into table git_kunnr_tab
        from knb1 as knb1 left join kna1 as kna1
            on knb1~kunnr = kna1~kunnr
        where knb1~kunnr in s_kunnr
          and knb1~bukrs = p_bukrs.

select knkk~kunnr knkk~ctlpc into table lit_kunnr_risk
    from knkk as knkk inner join t001 as t001
        on knkk~kkber = t001~kkber
    where t001~bukrs = p_bukrs and
          knkk~ctlpc <> ''.

  sort git_kunnr_tab by kunnr.
  loop at lit_kunnr_risk into lwa_kunnr_risk.
    gwa_kunnr_tab-ctlpc = lwa_kunnr_risk-ctlpc.
    modify git_kunnr_tab from gwa_kunnr_tab transporting ctlpc
                         where kunnr = lwa_kunnr_risk-kunnr.
    clear gwa_kunnr_tab.

If there is a better way to do this, please post it.