I want the user to be able to review the word document that the macro generates before stopping the macro. This way, they don't have to enter all the data again, since, when the macro stops, all the data is erased. There are a lot of fields that I don't want the user to have to re-enter if something is wrong.
I've tried activating the macro in a couple different ways, from a button on a word document to starting it from VBA Alt+F11, but I get the same result: The user cannot edit or view the word document while the macro is running, even though it isn't doing anything.
''' Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub '''
The user is not able to view the word document until the macro is stopped and all the data that was input is erased. Alternatively, if it is possible to save the data that has been input so that it is kept for next time the program runs, that would work since I have a "Clear All" button.