Edit I've updated this question here: Box2D: How to get the position of a static body?
I'm using sensors in a Box2D project. On a collision with a sensor, I'd like to know the sensor's position in the world. I'm detecting the collision with a contact listener, but the sensor's position is always 0 0.
From my code: (edit, added the whole class)
public class MyContactListener extends b2ContactListener {
public var onSensorEvent:Function;
override public function BeginContact(contact:b2Contact):void {
if(contact.GetFixtureA().IsSensor()) {
var ud1:GameEntity = contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData();
if(contact.GetFixtureB().IsSensor()) {
var ud2:GameEntity = contact.GetFixtureB().GetBody().GetUserData();
Other than this, the sensor works normally and registers collisions as normal. Any ideas why might this be happening, and how I can fix it?
I'm using Box2DFlash version 2.1a, but I don't expect this is specific to Flash.
Edit my code to create bodies in the world:
private function createWorldBody(x_origin:Number, y_origin:Number, box_width:Number, box_height:Number, angle:Number,
density:Number, friction:Number, bounce:Number, entity:GameEntity):b2Body {
trace("creating body: x=" + x_origin + " y="+ y_origin + " w=" + box_width + " h=" + box_height);
var body:b2BodyDef= new b2BodyDef();
if(entity.type == GameEntity.TYPE_PLAYER) body.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
// shape
var box:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
if(entity.type == GameEntity.TYPE_PLAYER) {
box.SetAsOrientedBox(box_width/2/pixelsPerMeter, box_height/2/pixelsPerMeter, new b2Vec2(0,0), angle);
} else {
box.SetAsOrientedBox(box_width/2/pixelsPerMeter, box_height/2/pixelsPerMeter, new b2Vec2(x_origin/pixelsPerMeter,y_origin/pixelsPerMeter), angle);
// fixture
var fixture:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
fixture.shape = box;
fixture.density = density;
fixture.friction = friction;
fixture.restitution = bounce;
if(entity.type == GameEntity.TYPE_ANIMATION_TRIGGER) {
fixture.isSensor = true;
// world body
var worldBody:b2Body = world.CreateBody(body);
if(entity.type == GameEntity.TYPE_PLAYER) {
worldBody.SetPosition(new b2Vec2(0, 6));
} else {
return worldBody;
Sample output from the createWorldBody method:
creating body: x=10768.85 y=129.1 w=242.1 h=508.2 angle=0
0 0
creating body: x=13314.9 y=-176.35 w=176.05 h=39.4 angle=0
0 0
creating body: x=14324.4 y=304.3 w=116.05 h=207.6 angle=0
0 0
creating body: x=12819.449999999999 y=336.5 w=905.3 h=156.2 angle=0
0 0
Sample output from the contact listener after two collisions:
20.84107631571526 6.26063858024741
0 0
20.84107631571526 6.26063858024741
0 0
34.444376903802855 4.2002747636658855
0 0
34.444376903802855 4.2002747636658855
0 0
Edit I think I see it: it's because the sensors are static bodies, which don't have 'real' positions in the world.