
I want to include an audio player that plays a wav file that is loaded from a URL in a React component. Although this should work straight forward with the HTML5 <audio> element, I cannot get it to play (I just see the control elements).

I tried to play a .mp3 with the same code, which works. I checked in Chrome and Safari which are supposed to support .wav - it works in neither of them. I tried to replace the <audio> element with a react-audio-player, a react-player and a react-sound element - none of them works. When I open the URL, the sound is downloaded as an attachment.

    render() {

        const wavUrl = config.fileServer+this.props.values.id+".wav";

        return (
            <audio controls>
                <source src={wavUrl} type="audio/wav" />
                Your browser does not support the audio element.

I expect to see an audio controller that starts playing the sound when I press play. Instead, I see an audio controller that does nothing when I press play, and that claims that the audio file is 0 seconds long. I checked the URL - it is correct if I past it as URL in my browser directly.

How did you create the wav file?Kitanga Nday
Try using this file and see if it works freewavesamples.com/files/Kawai-K11-CleanGtr-C3.wavKitanga Nday
@KitangaNday I did not create it, it just lies on this file server. If I download it and play it outside a browser, it also works fine.nielsrolf
Is it possible for me to see this file?Kitanga Nday
It does not work with that file either unfortunatelynielsrolf

2 Answers


If you are using create-react-app you have to import the audio file.

import wavUrl from './path/to/file';

// ... rest of code here

As mentioned Kitanga, you can use import to load files from public (instead of full URL access), example:

import somefile from '../public/assets/mp3/test1.mp3'


Play extends Component {

  <Play file=somefile>

But if you found webpack error message at start: "You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type..." then seems you need to load appropriate extension npm package to read it and configure webpack.config.js, example:

 module: {
   rules: [
       test: /\.mp3$/,
       loader: "file-loader"

if "file-loader" not installed then use example:

 npm install --save file-loader