
I need to import data from a JSON file to a cluster in Atlas mongodb.

I looked into the documentation and found the following command

mongoimport --host centarosa-shard-0/centarosa-shard-00-00-eplsl.mongodb.net:27017,centarosa-shard-00-01-eplsl.mongodb.net:27017,centarosa-shard-00-02-eplsl.mongodb.net:27017 --ssl --username parvarish --password --authenticationDatabase admin --db --collection --type --file

The error that I am getting is :

Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers

I also tried updating my mongodb version to 4.0.1 But still getting the same error

Please guide me through this.


First thing I'd check would be the network whitelist (in the atlas security section) to make sure you're connecting from a computer with an IP that's allowed to connect.willis
Hi Willis, I have added in my IP Whitelist..So that shouldn't be a problemParvarish

1 Answers


The code provided is missing required arguments. Try the code below, replacing the bolded values with those appropriate for your environment.

mongoimport --host centarosa-shard-0/centarosa-shard-00-00-eplsl.mongodb.net:27017,centarosa-shard-00-01-eplsl.mongodb.net:27017,centarosa-shard-00-02-eplsl.mongodb.net:27017 --ssl --username parvarish --password MYPWD --authenticationDatabase admin --db MYDB --collection MYCOLLECTION --type json --file C:\PATH\IMPORT-FILE.json --jsonArray