
In a textbook I'm looking at, it asks me to do an arithmetic right shift to the binary sequence 0110 0100 by 3 (a >> 3). I thought it was 0000 1100 as I would add 3 zeros at the right considering the most significant bit is 0 (or is it 01?), but the answer key says the correct answer is 1110 1100.

An arithmetic shift is defined as follows:

An arithmetic right shift fills the left end with k repetitions of the most significant bit...

As the most significant bit in 0110 0100 is 0, should I not be adding 0s instead of 1s? Is the most significant bit actually 01?

As a separate example, if a bit refers to the first two digits and not only the first, why is a right shift of 3 to the binary sequence 0111 0010, 0000 1110, instead of 1110 1110?

Could you clarify exactly what the book says? Because you have different but sequences in title and beginning of the text and the end of the text. And a bit is one bit, not twoSami Kuhmonen
@SamiKuhmonen Reformatted!NotDuplicateSL
It should be 0000 1100, please verify again Or may be there could be a printing mistake.arun pal
0b00110100 >> 3 = 0b00000110, as far as I know ideone.com/Nysq4fgeckos
Yup right shift by 3 will be 0000 1000.arun pal

1 Answers

Index : 76543210
a >> 0: 01100100
a >> 1: 00110010
a >> 1: 00011001
a >> 1: 00001100

Another example:

Index : 76543210
a >> 0: 10000100
a >> 1: 11000010
a >> 1: 11100001
a >> 1: 11110000

It is exactly as you believe it to be. An arithmetic shift, otherwise known as a signed shift, which already gives you a good hint at what it does, shifts the bits left or right, while preserving the signed bit and when moving right, replicates the signed bit.

Here is the formal definition:

A shift, applied to the representation of a number in a fixed radix numeration system and in a fixed-point representation system, and in which only the characters representing the fixed-point part of the number are moved. An arithmetic shift is usually equivalent to multiplying the number by a positive or a negative integral power of the radix, except for the effect of any rounding; compare the logical shift with the arithmetic shift, especially in the case of floating-point representation.

The Wikipedia entry has some good illustrative pictures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_shift

Likely the author simply messed up his own example, wanting to show that it preserves the left-most bit (in most cases) and replicates it. Though he forgot to set it.