I have set up a new WSO2 API Manager server (Version 2.6.0) and try to configure the server to support Kerberos but I have a problem of understanding the overall process.
Our client is an Angular application running on windows machines (Chrome or IE). In the documentation I found the sentence, The application should request a new access token by calling curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded client id:client secret value>" -k -d "grant_type=kerberos&kerberos_realm=<kerberos realm>&kerberos_token=**<kerberos token>**" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
but where should this "kerberos token" should come from and how can I test it?
- I have installed and configured the server corresponding to the documentation.
- I have a service principal in the AD and configured the Identity provider in WSO2 API.
- I have configured an example API which works with normal OAuth2
- I have activated Kerberos on the application (WSO2 API Store)
My expected result would be, the service is called, the user is authenticated and the user info is passed to the backend service but at the moment I stack and cannot find a solution how I can find this kerberos tocken.