I have a parquet file /df
saved in hdfs with 120 partitions. The size of each partition on hdfs is around 43.5 M.
Total size
hdfs dfs -du -s -h /df
5.1 G 15.3 G /df
hdfs dfs -du -h /df
43.6 M 130.7 M /df/pid=0
43.5 M 130.5 M /df/pid=1
43.6 M 130.9 M /df/pid=119
I want to load that file into Spark and keep the same number of partitions. However, Spark will automatically load the file into 60 partitions.
df = spark.read.parquet('df')
HDFS settings:
is not set.
returns nothing.
'dfs.blocksize' is set to 128.
Changing either of those values to something lower does not result in the parquet file loading into the same number of partitions that are in hdfs.
For example:
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().setInt("parquet.block.size", 64*2**20)
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().setInt("dfs.blocksize", 64*2**20)
I realize 43.5 M is well below 128 M. However, for this application, I am going to immediately complete many transformations that will result in each of the 120 partitions getting much closer to 128 M.
I am trying to save myself having to repartition in the application imeadiately after loading.
Is there a way to force Spark to load the parquet file with the same number of partitions that are stored on the hdfs?
spark.conf.set("spark.files.maxPartitionBytes", 43500000)
– thePurplePython