
We have below technical stack

  • Imperva WAF
  • API Management
  • WebApi in WebApp

This is current implementation

  • Client IPs are authenticated at WAF level
  • WAF IPs are whitelisted at APIM
  • APIM IP is whitelisted at WebApp level

Everything is working fine and as expected.

Now when i went to APIM -> Analytics -> Request, i see WAF IPs are listed here and not the client ones. So in this case we will not be able to track who is using what

I know we have option to track thru subscription key, but that is not enough.

Can anybody please suggest how to configure to get correct IPs?

enter image description here

There are same problem in MSDN Forum issues. social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/…ibrahimatay
@ibrahimatay, Thanks for your reply, sorry i missed your reply, Yes, so i have now x-forwarded-for which contains Client IP in header, now question is how to get this and add it in App Insights and then create custom reports from App Insights itself ?Manish Joisar

3 Answers


I believe you can find your answer in here. You merely need to configure your server to retrieve the correct IP from the relevant header.

Quoting the relevant part:

Original Client IP is required In case your application requires a real client IP address, please make sure you have enabled retrieval of this value from either: "X-Forwarded-For" or "Incap-Client-IP" header. When working with Imperva your server will see Imperva IPs instead of real client IPs. However, Imperva inserts by default the original client IP address into two HTTP headers: "X-Forwarded-For" and Imperva header "Incap-Client-IP".

But notice, you should take the first IP in a given XFF value, otherwise, the use of the second header real-client-IP might be affected by 3rd party proxies, etc.

Hope that helps.


After raising support request to Microsoft, we got what we want

This is how we accomplished

  • When Imperva WAF calls APIM endpoint, it also passes Incap-Client-IP in header
  • Within APIM -> APIs -> All APIs -> Settings -> Enter header property you want to add in request log of App Insights enter image description here
  • Under request log -> custom dimension -> you can see InCap-Client-IP property is added in App Insights

enter image description here

Now we can export this in csv format and can track usage based on client IP.


This is not possible with built-in reports in Azure APIM. If you can make WAF forward client IP to APIM in header then you could build your own reporting infrastructure, but that would be pretty elaborate.