We have integrated DocuSign REST in Oracle Fusion Procurement Cloud Application.
We are calling create envelope API using the endpoint:
This api is failing for few customers with error:
for docx and xlxs attachments type. If document converted to PDF manually and again used in REST api call then getting error:
But same attachment is working fine if customer upload it directly in the envelope from DocuSign UI.
This is impacting our customer business. Every time they have to withdraw purchasing document, remove attachment from purchasing document and explicitly add those attachment in the envelope from DocuSign UI. Any pointers on the error resolution is much appreciated. Please help.
Actual Error Message received:
UNABLE_TO_CONVERT_DOCUMENTSystem was unable to convert this document to a PDF. Unable to convert Document(xxxxxxxxxx.docx) to a PDF. Error: UserId:xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx IPAddress:xxx.xx.xx.xx Source:ApiRESTv2:Conversion failed. FileType: docx Error: ActivePDF completed without success: [-1100] OpenInputFileFailed
Create Envelope REST api should work for those attachment as it is working from DocuSign UI.