I got a problem when trying to identify the encoding of a file without BOM, particularly when the file is beginning with non-ascii characters.
I found following two topics about how to identify encodings for files,
Currently, I created a class to identify different encodings for files (e.g. UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, UTF-16 no BOM, etc) like following,
public class UnicodeReader extends Reader {
private static final int BOM_SIZE = 4;
private final InputStreamReader reader;
* Construct UnicodeReader
* @param in Input stream.
* @param defaultEncoding Default encoding to be used if BOM is not found,
* or <code>null</code> to use system default encoding.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs.
public UnicodeReader(InputStream in, String defaultEncoding) throws IOException {
byte bom[] = new byte[BOM_SIZE];
String encoding;
int unread;
PushbackInputStream pushbackStream = new PushbackInputStream(in, BOM_SIZE);
int n = pushbackStream.read(bom, 0, bom.length);
// Read ahead four bytes and check for BOM marks.
if ((bom[0] == (byte) 0xEF) && (bom[1] == (byte) 0xBB) && (bom[2] == (byte) 0xBF)) {
encoding = "UTF-8";
unread = n - 3;
} else if ((bom[0] == (byte) 0xFE) && (bom[1] == (byte) 0xFF)) {
encoding = "UTF-16BE";
unread = n - 2;
} else if ((bom[0] == (byte) 0xFF) && (bom[1] == (byte) 0xFE)) {
encoding = "UTF-16LE";
unread = n - 2;
} else if ((bom[0] == (byte) 0x00) && (bom[1] == (byte) 0x00) && (bom[2] == (byte) 0xFE) && (bom[3] == (byte) 0xFF)) {
encoding = "UTF-32BE";
unread = n - 4;
} else if ((bom[0] == (byte) 0xFF) && (bom[1] == (byte) 0xFE) && (bom[2] == (byte) 0x00) && (bom[3] == (byte) 0x00)) {
encoding = "UTF-32LE";
unread = n - 4;
} else {
// No BOM detected but still could be UTF-16
int found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (bom[i] == (byte) 0x00)
if(found >= 2) {
if(bom[0] == (byte) 0x00){
encoding = "UTF-16BE";
else {
encoding = "UTF-16LE";
unread = n;
else {
encoding = defaultEncoding;
unread = n;
// Unread bytes if necessary and skip BOM marks.
if (unread > 0) {
pushbackStream.unread(bom, (n - unread), unread);
} else if (unread < -1) {
pushbackStream.unread(bom, 0, 0);
// Use given encoding.
if (encoding == null) {
reader = new InputStreamReader(pushbackStream);
} else {
reader = new InputStreamReader(pushbackStream, encoding);
public String getEncoding() {
return reader.getEncoding();
public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
return reader.read(cbuf, off, len);
public void close() throws IOException {
The above code could work properly all the cases except when file without BOM and beginning with non-ascii characters. Since under this circumstance, the logic for checking if file still be UTF-16 without BOM will not work correctly, and the encoding will be set as UTF-8 as default.
If there is a way to check encodings of file without BOM and beggining with non-ascii characters, especially for UTF-16 NO BOM file ?
Thanks, any idea would be appreciated.