I am trying to partition the hive table with distinct timestamps. I have a table with timestamps in it but when I execute the hive partition query, it says that it is not a valid partition column. Here's the table:
|id |rc_timestamp |
|1 |2017-06-12 17:18:39.824|
|2 |2018-06-12 17:18:39.824|
|3 |2019-06-12 17:18:39.824|
spark.sql("SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonrestrict")
val tempTable = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM partition_table")
val df = tempTable.select("rc_timestamp")
val a = x.toString().replaceAll("[\\[\\]]","")
df.collect().foreach(a => {
spark.sql(s"ALTER TABLE mydb.partition_table ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION
(rc_timestamp = '$a')").show()
Here's the error which I'm getting:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: rc_timestamp is not a valid partition column
in table mydb.partition_table.;