
I am trying to authenticate a Google Admin SDK using ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json(). I am using the Google Cloud Platform to run a Cloud Function. The Cloud Function gets a file from Cloud Storage, decrypts it, then uses that file to authenticate the service. According to this I can authenticate using from_json_keyfile_name. I wont have a direct path though so I attempted to authenticate with the contents of the file from Google Console -> API -> Download credentials. That json has the following keys:

  • type
  • project_id
  • private_key_id
  • private_key
  • client_email
  • client_id
  • auth_uri
  • token_uri
  • auth_provider_x509_cert_url
  • client_x509_cert_url

However, ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json() looks for _private_key_pkcs12. which is not in the downloaded json.

I'm having trouble understanding what is the issue and what are you trying to accomplish. Could you give some more details on what is the problem you're running into?Maxim
@Maxim Sure. Basically, I need to create a Service Account for Google Admin using json. Not a json file, but actual json. This is possible with ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json() but it excepts data like _private_key_pkcs12 which is not found in the json file downloaded from Google Console.user1222324562

1 Answers


oauth2client is deprecated. Use google.oauth2.service_account.


from google.oauth2 import service_account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(sa_json)
return build(service_name, service_version, credentials=credentials)