i'am trying to play a RTMP stream with low latency uinsg HTML5, vido.js and videojs-flash. For now i can get the stream to display with a 3-4 seconds latency but playing the same stream with ffplay gives a sub-second latency.
Looking at older videojs version it seems that some code that allowed to specify flashvars to be passed to the swf object were never merged. In newer video.js version, one can use the videojs-flash plugin to play a flash video and this plugin seems to support flashVars in the player options and this vars are passed to the swf object.
Did anyone used this feature and how can i provide the flashVars option to the videojs object .
This is the code i tried so far :
var player = videojs('my-video', {
autoplay: true,
muted: true,
preload: "auto",
sources: [{
type: "rtmp/flv",
flashVars: {
buffertime: 0