Load WMS service, the url is too long to get data
Load a WMS service, do not add "CQL_FILTER" parameter can request to the data, add "CQL_FILTER" parameter can not get, who can help me to analyze it? Thank you very much!
"{bbox-epsg-3857}&width=256&height=256&transparent=true&srs=EPSG:3857&format=image/png&layers=workspaceTest:accMV03&CQL_FILTER=WITHIN(GEOM, SRID = 3857; MULTIPOLYGON(((12255325.69509 3791918.95510, 12616926.21400 3762599.99411, 12646245.17499 3547594.28016, 12284644.65608 3547594.28016, 12255325.69509 3791918.95510))))"
Can post requests be used?