I'm supposed to move data from an old server to a new one while changing the structure.
- old: "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge\companyA\200031_Signs"
- new: "C:\test\new\Data\06. Aufträge\companyA\200031_companyA_Signs"
In the old structure, the orders of a company are in a single folder. In the new structure, all orders are to be migrated directly under the orders folder. The name consists of the order number + separator + company name + name.
current task is the folders that were successfully copied from "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge\%company%\" in the folder "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge\%company%\Z_Transfered" to move.
I tried:
$sourcepath = "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge"
$basepath = "C:\test\new\Data\06. Aufträge"
$Orders = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcepath -Directory -Recurse -Depth 1
ForEach ($Order in $Orders ) {
if ($Order.name.StartsWith("20")){
$NewFolderName = "{0}\{1}" -f ($BasePath),($order.Name.insert(6,"_" + $order.parent.Name))
$NewFolder = New-Item -Path $NewFolderName -ItemType "directory"
Copy-Item -Path "$($Order.FullName)\*" -Destination $NewFolder -Recurse -Force
#under construction
$MoveFolderName = Join-Path -path $sourcepath -ChildPath $order.parent | Join-Path -ChildPath "Z_Transfered"
if (-not (Test-Path $MoveFolderName))
New-Item -Path $MoveFolderName -ItemType "directory"
$MoveFolder = $MoveFolderName +"\" + $order.name
Move-Item -Path "$($Order.FullName)\*" -Destination $MoveFolder
$error > $sourcepath"\error.log"
I adapted the code I got yesterday. Currently I have one more error in the code.
Copy content to the right place works now. Currently he creates the folder Z_Transfered below the customer folder. The problem seems to be with Move-Item. Currently, the folder is not moved to Z_Transfered, only the files under the customer folder are moved and, unfortunately, also renamed. Can someone help me here please?
(which won't work correctly since object properties are not expanded inside strings). It doesn't even attempt to produce the desired new names. Please try a little harder. – Ansgar Wiechers