Actually I just wrote some code that will allow you to globally opt out of dark mode in code without having to putz with every single viw controller in your application. This can probably be refined to opt out on a class by class basis by managing a list of classes. For me, what I want is for my users to see if they like the dark mode interface for my app, and if they don't like it, they can turn it off. This will allow them to continue using dark mode for the rest of their applications.
User choice is good (Ahem, looking at you Apple, this is how you should have implemented it).
So how this works is that it's just a category of UIViewController. When it loads it replaces the native viewDidLoad method with one that will check a global flag to see if dark mode is disabled for everything or not.
Because it is triggered on UIViewController loading it should automatically start up and disable dark mode by default. If this is not what you want, then you need to get in there somewhere early and set the flag, or else just set the default flag.
I haven't yet written anything to respond to the user turning the flag on or off. So this is basically example code. If we want the user to interact with this, all the view controllers will need to reload. I don't know how to do that offhand but probably sending some notification is going to do the trick. So right now, this global on/off for dark mode is only going to work at startup or restart of the app.
Now, it's not just enough to try to turn off dark mode in every single MFING viewController in your huge app. If you're using color assets you are completely boned. We for 10+ years have understood immutable objects to be immutable. Colors you get from the color asset catalog say they are UIColor but they are dynamic (mutable) colors and will change underneath you as the system changes from dark to light mode. That is supposed to be a feature. But of course there is no master toggle to ask these things to stop making this change (as far as I know right now, maybe someone can improve this).
So the solution is in two parts:
a public category on UIViewController that gives some utility and convenience methods... for instance I don't think apple has thought about the fact that some of us mix in web code into our apps. As such we have stylesheets that need to be toggled based on dark or light mode. Thus, you either need to build some kind of a dynamic stylesheet object (which would be good) or just ask what the current state is (bad but easy).
this category when it loads will replace the viewDidLoad method of the UIViewController class and intercept calls. I don't know if that breaks app store rules. If it does, there are other ways around that probably but you can consider it a proof of concept. You can for instance make one subclass of all the main view controller types and make all of your own view controllers inherit from those, and then you can use the DarkMode category idea and call into it to force opt out all of your view controllers. It is uglier but it is not going to break any rules. I prefer using the runtime because that's what the runtime was made to do. So in my version you just add the category, you set a global variable on the category for whether or not you want it to block dark mode, and it will do it.
You are not out of the woods yet, as mentioned, the other problem is UIColor basically doing whatever the hell it wants. So even if your view controllers are blocking dark mode UIColor doesn't know where or how you're using it so can't adapt. As a result you can fetch it correctly but then it's going to revert on you at some point in the future. Maybe soon maybe later. So the way around that is by allocating it twice using a CGColor and turning it into a static color. This means if your user goes back and re-enables dark mode on your settings page (the idea here is to make this work so that the user has control over your app over and above the rest of the system), all of those static colors need replacing. So far this is left for someone else to solve. The easy ass way to do it is to make a default that you're opting out of dark mode, divide by zero to crash the app since you can't exit it and tell the user to just restart it. That probably violates app store guidelines as well but it's an idea.
The UIColor category doesn't need to be exposed, it just works calling colorNamed: ... if you didn't tell the DarkMode ViewController class to block dark mode, it will work perfectly nicely as expected. Trying to make something elegant instead of the standard apple sphaghetti code which is going to mean you're going to have to modify most of your app if you want to programatically opt out of dark mode or toggle it. Now I don't know if there is a better way of programatically altering the Info.plist to turn off dark mode as needed. As far as my understanding goes that's a compile time feature and after that you're boned.
So here is the code you need. Should be drop in and just use the one method to set the UI Style or set the default in the code. You are free to use, modify, do whatever you want with this for any purpose and no warranty is given and I don't know if it will pass the app store. Improvements very welcome.
Fair warning I don't use ARC or any other handholding methods.
////// H file
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface UIViewController(DarkMode)
// if you want to globally opt out of dark mode you call these before any view controllers load
// at the moment they will only take effect for future loaded view controllers, rather than currently
// loaded view controllers
// we are doing it like this so you don't have to fill your code with @availables() when you include this
typedef enum {
} QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle;
// the opposite condition is light interface mode
+ (void)setOverrideUserInterfaceMode:(QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)override;
+ (QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)overrideUserInterfaceMode;
// utility methods
// this will tell you if any particular view controller is operating in dark mode
- (BOOL)isUsingDarkInterfaceStyle;
// this will tell you if any particular view controller is operating in light mode mode
- (BOOL)isUsingLightInterfaceStyle;
// this is called automatically during all view controller loads to enforce a single style
- (void)tryToOverrideUserInterfaceStyle;
////// M file
// QDarkMode.m
#import "UIViewController+DarkMode.h"
#import "q-runtime.h"
@implementation UIViewController(DarkMode)
typedef void (*void_method_imp_t) (id self, SEL cmd);
static void_method_imp_t _nativeViewDidLoad = NULL;
// we can't @available here because we're not in a method context
static long _override = -1;
+ (void)load;
#define DEFAULT_UI_STYLE UIUserInterfaceStyleLight
// we won't mess around with anything that is not iOS 13 dark mode capable
if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
// default setting is to override into light style
_override = DEFAULT_UI_STYLE;
This doesn't work...
NSUserDefaults *d = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults;
[d setObject:@"Light" forKey:@"UIUserInterfaceStyle"];
id uiStyle = [d objectForKey:@"UIUserInterfaceStyle"];
if (!_nativeViewDidLoad) {
Class targetClass = UIViewController.class;
SEL targetSelector = @selector(viewDidLoad);
SEL replacementSelector = @selector(_overrideModeViewDidLoad);
_nativeViewDidLoad = (void_method_imp_t)QMethodImplementationForSEL(targetClass,targetSelector);
QInstanceMethodOverrideFromClass(targetClass, targetSelector, targetClass, replacementSelector);
// we do it like this because it's not going to be set often, and it will be tested often
// so we can cache the value that we want to hand to the OS
+ (void)setOverrideUserInterfaceMode:(QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)style;
if (@available(iOS 13,*)){
switch(style) {
case QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleLight: {
_override = UIUserInterfaceStyleLight;
} break;
case QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleDark: {
_override = UIUserInterfaceStyleDark;
} break;
/* FALLTHROUGH - more modes can go here*/
case QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified: {
_override = UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified;
} break;
+ (QOverrideUserInterfaceStyle)overrideUserInterfaceMode;
if (@available(iOS 13,*)){
switch(_override) {
case UIUserInterfaceStyleLight: {
return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleLight;
} break;
case UIUserInterfaceStyleDark: {
return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleDark;
} break;
case UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified: {
return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified;
} break;
} else {
// we can't override anything below iOS 12
return QOverrideUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified;
- (BOOL)isUsingDarkInterfaceStyle;
if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
if (self.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == UIUserInterfaceStyleDark){
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isUsingLightInterfaceStyle;
if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
if (self.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == UIUserInterfaceStyleLight){
return YES;
// if it's unspecified we should probably assume light mode, esp. iOS 12
return YES;
- (void)tryToOverrideUserInterfaceStyle;
// we have to check again or the compile will bitch
if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
[self setOverrideUserInterfaceStyle:(UIUserInterfaceStyle)_override];
// this method will be called via the viewDidLoad chain as we will patch it into the
// UIViewController class
- (void)_overrideModeViewDidLoad;
if (_nativeViewDidLoad) {
[self tryToOverrideUserInterfaceStyle];
// keep this in the same file, hidden away as it needs to switch on the global ... yeah global variables, I know, but viewDidLoad and colorNamed: are going to get called a ton and already it's adding some inefficiency to an already inefficient system ... you can change if you want to make it a class variable.
// this is necessary because UIColor will also check the current trait collection when using asset catalogs
// so we need to repair colorNamed: and possibly other methods
@interface UIColor(DarkMode)
@implementation UIColor (DarkMode)
typedef UIColor *(*color_method_imp_t) (id self, SEL cmd, NSString *name);
static color_method_imp_t _nativeColorNamed = NULL;
+ (void)load;
// we won't mess around with anything that is not iOS 13 dark mode capable
if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
// default setting is to override into light style
if (!_nativeColorNamed) {
// we need to call it once to force the color assets to load
Class targetClass = UIColor.class;
SEL targetSelector = @selector(colorNamed:);
SEL replacementSelector = @selector(_overrideColorNamed:);
_nativeColorNamed = (color_method_imp_t)QClassMethodImplementationForSEL(targetClass,targetSelector);
QClassMethodOverrideFromClass(targetClass, targetSelector, targetClass, replacementSelector);
// basically the colors you get
// out of colorNamed: are dynamic colors... as the system traits change underneath you, the UIColor object you
// have will also change since we can't force override the system traits all we can do is force the UIColor
// that's requested to be allocated out of the trait collection, and then stripped of the dynamic info
// unfortunately that means that all colors throughout the app will be static and that is either a bug or
// a good thing since they won't respond to the system going in and out of dark mode
+ (UIColor *)_overrideColorNamed:(NSString *)string;
UIColor *value = nil;
if (@available(iOS 13,*)) {
value = _nativeColorNamed(self,@selector(colorNamed:),string);
if (_override != UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified) {
// the value we have is a dynamic color... we need to resolve against a chosen trait collection
UITraitCollection *tc = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithUserInterfaceStyle:_override];
value = [value resolvedColorWithTraitCollection:tc];
} else {
// this is unreachable code since the method won't get patched in below iOS 13, so this
// is left blank on purpose
return value;
There is a set of utility functions that this uses for doing method swapping. Separate file. This is standard stuff though and you can find similar code anywhere.
// q-runtime.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <stdatomic.h>
// returns the method implementation for the selector
extern IMP
QMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector);
// as above but gets class method
extern IMP
QClassMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector);
extern BOOL
QClassMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector);
extern BOOL
QInstanceMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector);
// q-runtime.m
static BOOL
_QMethodOverride(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector, Method original, Method replacement)
BOOL flag = NO;
IMP imp = method_getImplementation(replacement);
// we need something to work with
if (replacement) {
// if something was sitting on the SEL already
if (original) {
flag = method_setImplementation(original, imp) ? YES : NO;
// if we're swapping, use this
//method_exchangeImplementations(om, rm);
} else {
// not sure this works with class methods...
// if it's not there we want to add it
flag = YES;
const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(replacement);
XLog_FB(red,black,@"Not sure this works...");
return flag;
QInstanceMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector)
BOOL flag = NO;
if (targetClass && replacementClass) {
Method om = class_getInstanceMethod(targetClass,targetSelector);
Method rm = class_getInstanceMethod(replacementClass,replacementSelector);
flag = _QMethodOverride(targetClass,targetSelector,om,rm);
return flag;
QClassMethodOverrideFromClass(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector,
Class replacementClass, SEL replacementSelector)
BOOL flag = NO;
if (targetClass && replacementClass) {
Method om = class_getClassMethod(targetClass,targetSelector);
Method rm = class_getClassMethod(replacementClass,replacementSelector);
flag = _QMethodOverride(targetClass,targetSelector,om,rm);
return flag;
QMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector)
Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(aClass,aSelector);
if (method) {
return method_getImplementation(method);
} else {
return NULL;
QClassMethodImplementationForSEL(Class aClass, SEL aSelector)
Method method = class_getClassMethod(aClass,aSelector);
if (method) {
return method_getImplementation(method);
} else {
return NULL;
I'm copying and pasting this out of a couple of files since the q-runtime.h is my reusable library and this is just a part of it. If something doesn't compile let me know.
in your Info.Plist. See… – Tieme