You can have angle between two directions v1,v2
(vectors) like this:
ang = acos(dot(v1,v2)/(|v1|.|v2|))
which translates in 3D to:
ang = acos( (x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z1) / sqrt( (x1*x1 + y1*y1 + z1*z1)*(x2*x2+y2*y2+z2*z2) ) )
However you can not have angle between two points that simply has no meaning. Also beware 3D angle is not what you think it is (its angle in steradians and you can look at it as a volume coverage ... normal angle is area coverage) and yes its also scalar value. So what you are looking for are direction cosines or Euler angles (for which you need more info and order of transforms not to be ambitious) or transform matrices.
But as I suspected its an XY problem and based on your comments I was right.
So your real problem (based on comments) is to find the reflected ray from (triangle) face. Using angles (direction cosines nor euler angles nor transform matrices) is a really bad idea as that would be extremly slow. Instead use simple vector math I see it like this:
So you got ray direction dir
and want the reflected one dir'
from face with normal nor
dir' = 2 * ( nor*dot(-dir,nor) + dir ) - dir
dir' = 2 * ( -nor*dot(dir,nor) + dir ) - dir
dir' = -2*nor*dot(dir,nor) + 2*dir - dir
dir' = -2*nor*dot(dir,nor) + dir
dir' = dir-2*nor*dot(dir,nor)
so in 3D it is:
t = 2*(dx*nx + dy*ny + dz*nz) // 2*dot(dir,nor)
dx' = dx-t*nx
dy' = dy-t*ny
dz' = dz-t*nz
as you can see no goniometrics or angles are needed whatsoever... Also does not matter if normal points in or out of face/object the dot
handles the signs on its own...
In case you need the normal can be computed by cross product of its 2 sides so if the triangle is defined by v0,v1,v2
points then:
nor = cross( v1-v0 , v2-v1 )
Here an example where I use this technique for a raytracer:
its mine GLSL ray tracer supporting reflections on triangle faces and it has no goniometrics in it ... look for // reflect
comment in the fragment shader especially look for:
its the reflection where
where dir
is ray direction and nor
is face normal (look familiar? yes its the same equation)...