I cannot figure out how to update the background color of my custom NSView when the user switches in and out of dark mode.
I've read the documentation and followed instructions here:detecting darkmode
The strange thing is that I can get all the subviews to behave correctly, but for some strange reason I can't get the background color of the main view to change. The background color of the view looks correct when I start the app in either mode, but when I switch between modes while the app is running it doesn't update to the new theme.
Would be grateful for any suggestions.
Inside the Custom NSView I have the method
- (void) viewDidChangeEffectiveAppearance
self.needsDisplay = YES;
and inside the drawRect I have a do a simple color change before continuing with drawing in the view
NSAppearance *currentAppearance = [NSAppearance currentAppearance];
if (@available(*, macOS 10.14)) {
if(currentAppearance.name == NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua) {
red = 0.5*red+0.5;
green = 0.5*green+0.5;
blue = 0.5*blue+0.5;
Here is a screenshot of darkmode before (the way it should look)
Here is a screenshot of light mode after user switch
Here is a screenshot of lightmode before (the way it should look)
And here is a screenshot of darkmode after user switch
ps The reason I'm baffled and have little code to post is that the correct behavior is supposed to happen automatically with little effort. I even deleted the view from the nib and rebuilt it thinking maybe some setting got corrupted, but that didn't solve the problem.
Update: I found the source of the problem. This method gets called in windowDidLoad
- (void) setTransparent:(BOOL)transparent
if(transparent) {
[self.window setOpaque:NO];
NSColor *backgroundColor = [NSColor windowBackgroundColor];
backgroundColor = [backgroundColor colorWithAlphaComponent: .75];
[self.window setBackgroundColor:backgroundColor];
self.window.alphaValue = 0.75;
else {
[self.window setOpaque:YES];
NSColor *backgroundColor = [NSColor windowBackgroundColor];
backgroundColor = [backgroundColor colorWithAlphaComponent: 1];
[self.window setBackgroundColor:backgroundColor];
self.window.alphaValue = 1;
I get the expected behavior if I comment out the call to this method.
Why did this cause me to lose the automatic behavior of background color change when the user changes between light and dark mode?