
I am trying to develop a xamarin forms app in which user can make call (Navigate to dialer) from taping on number showed on app.In android I accomplished this through dependency service.But in ios I am stuck.I heard about callkit.I saw the documentation of it in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/platform/callkit?tabs=windows. But how can I actually implement on this in my App? I added all the classes in that document to my app.But how I can make the call from xamal.cs to the ios specified code? By using Dependency service?

Edit: I know how to navigate app to dialer or phone app. Why I am using callkit is I want to get the call duartion.

I created an Instance

 public interface IosCallerDialer
        void StartCall();

Implementation on ios

class IosCallDial: IosCallerDialer
        private CXCallController CallController = new CXCallController();

        private void SendTransactionRequest(CXTransaction transaction)
            // Send request to call controller
            CallController.RequestTransaction(transaction, (error) => {
                // Was there an error?
                if (error == null)
                    // No, report success
                    Console.WriteLine("Transaction request sent successfully.");
                    // Yes, report error
                    Console.WriteLine("Error requesting transaction: {0}", error);

        public void StartCall()
            // Build call action
            string contact = "8547085532";
            var handle = new CXHandle(CXHandleType.Generic, contact);
            var startCallAction = new CXStartCallAction(new NSUuid(), handle);

            // Create transaction
            var transaction = new CXTransaction(startCallAction);

            // Inform system of call request


My xaml.cs

async void btnCall_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Apart this I added all the classes defined in the document.I want only outgoing call. Is this proper way? I cant find any tutorials regarding callkit on xamarin. Any help is appreciated.

EDIT: I understand Callkit only for voip. So is there any other workaround like starting a timer when moves to phone app and stop timer when returns to app? Is it possible? Please provide any insights.

have you read the docs for CallKit? It is used for VOIP integration, not for general integration with the phone app.Jason
@Jason oh..so is there any other way to get the call duration of last call in ios?Anand
I doubt it. iOS doesn't really expose any APIs that have this kind of dataJason
@Jason if user open the phone app and after calling user will return to app.Can I calculate the app inactive time or something?Anand

1 Answers


You can try the code below to detect the state of incoming call.

public partial class AppDelegate : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate
    // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this 
    // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
    // visible.
    // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.

   public CTCallCenter c { get; set; }

    public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
        LoadApplication(new App());

        c = new CTCallCenter();

        c.CallEventHandler = delegate (CTCall call)

            if (call.CallState == call.StateIncoming)
                //start the timer 
            else if (call.CallState == call.StateDialing)

            else if (call.CallState == call.StateConnected)

            else if(call.CallState == call.StateDisconnected)
                //end the timer 
                //use messagecenter to send duartion

                 MessagingCenter.Send<Object>(new Object(), "Hi");



        return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);

And any Where in Xamarin.forms:

    MessagingCenter.Subscribe<Object>(this, "Hi", (sender) => {
        // do something whenever the "Hi" message is sent


Note: I haven't test it on my side yet as I don't have enough device. You can test it and let me know if it works.