
I have a custom post type called 'Case Studies' that I'm using for case studies and the default post type ('post') for blog posts. I have a custom taxonomy called 'product_categories' which is used for blog posts and case study posts.

On my category template 'taxonomy-product_categories.php' I want to separate 'blog' post excerpts from 'case study' post excerpts but I can't find a way to query the post archive?

I've tried is_post_type_archive(), is_archive(), is_category() and is_tax() but none of them filter the posts.

I've also tried querying the posts but it just loads all posts from that post type.

When you say separate so you mean remove one of the post types, or list on efiirst then the other? Can you post a sample of your code please?Paul
Sorry, I should have made that clearer. By separate, I mean, keeping the blog posts in a right-hand column and the Case study post in the left-hand column. As for a code sample, I'm using the standard 'if have posts while loop'.Rob

2 Answers


If you are within the loop you could identify a post using is_single() and the case studies by using is_singular('case-study') but I would say to keep them in left and right hand columns and for ease of styling then 2 separate loop might work best.


You should be able to distinguish post types using the post object in your while loop if you're using the standard like this:

    <?php while ($query->have_posts()) {
      $query->the_post(); ?>

You could so something like this in your while loop:

    <div class="left-column">
          if ($post->post_type === 'case-studies') {

            // Show your case study excerpts

          } else {

               // No content found message


     <div class="right-column">
          if ($post->post_type === 'post') {

            // Show your post excerpts

          } else {

               // No content found message
