I am creating a discord.js bot and an express API that work together to allow my desktop application (created in electron) to interact with the server. I am adding a ban management tab to my desktop app and I can unban users from there. After that I try to send a message to the user that was unbanned letting them know they were unbanned, and giving them an invite. However i get the error. "DiscordAPIError: Cannot send messages to this user". I understand that it is impossible to send a message to the user if they don't share a server with the bot, is there a work around?
// Unban user
// guild is the server that the bot is in and unbanning for
// note this is a private bot for only one server, so i don,t need multi-server handling
app.post(`/api/v1/unban/:id`, async (req, res) => {
let toUnBan = await bot.fetchUser(req.params.id);
let error = false;
if (!toUnBan) {
error = "Unexpected error occurred: User not found...";
// 585739079585497099 is the bot's id
if (!guild.members.get("585739079585497099").hasPermission("BAN_MEMBERS")) {
error = "Bot doesn't have permission to unban members.";
if (error === false) {
try {
success: true
// these lines are returning the error, workaround?
let invite = await guild.channels.find(c => c.name === "General").createInvite();
// goes with line above
bot.users.get(toUnBan.id).createDM().then(dm => {
dm.send(`Your ban on **${guild.name}** has been lifted. Here you can join again :), ${invite} .`);
} catch (e) {
if (e) console.log(e.message);
success: false,
error: e.message
} else {
success: false,
error: error
Thanks in advance!